In my previous post
A Very Costly Ice Cream , I was talking about the fine we paid at Beseant Nagar. In the mean time , I happen to notice some of the things.
Is the No parking declaration right or wrong ?
I was talking about the road leading from Karaikudi restaurant , towards Adayar. In this road, when we travel from the restaurant, all the shops are on the right side of the road while the parking is on the left side of the road. When I go to any shop in that area , It happens that I have to park my vehicle on one side and move on to the other side of the road to reach the destination. On the other side, to come back to m vehicle , I have to cross the road once again. It takes me twice to cross the road unnecessarily. On the contrary, there is much place embarked by trees on the right side of the road where we can use for the parking lot.
I am not sure about the traffic norms or difficulties in setting up the parking on the other side. I took this from my perspective and has written this.